sqlgen.repository.impl package¶
sqlgen.repository.impl.async_constrained module¶
- class sqlgen.repository.impl.async_constrained.AsyncConstrainedRepository(session: AsyncSession, **bound_object_ids)¶
- bound_model: type[DeclarativeBase]¶
- bound_models: list[type[DeclarativeBase]]¶
- async create(*, safe_constraints: list[Constraint] = None, **properties) T ¶
override of AsyncRepository create, that will create an instance of the repository model. It will also set the foreign_key value automatically if bound_model is directly accessible, otherwise it will check for the foreign_model link to the bound_model before creating object. E.G we have three model: Project -> Host -> Webserver - if host_id is not set, an exc is raised (not if safe is set to true, but SQLAlchemy will surely if foreign_key is not nullable) - if host_id is set, a check is done for Host.project_id == self.bound_model_id (Project_id set at repo init)
- Parameters:
properties – the properties of the created model (don’t include foreign_key if directly bound, otherwise needed)
safe_constraints – a list of constraint that are considered safe
- Raises:
BoundObjectLinkNotSafe – if the foreign_key value is not bound to the bound_model (e.g host is bound to another project)
ConstraintNotSafe – if a non-direct constraint is not safe. e.g. Request with Bound on Webserver and Project but webserver_bound is not related to the Project_bound ( Webserver.host.project == 2 but bound_project == 1 )
ForeignKeyNotSpecified – if no foreign_key parameters are present to create the model, bound_model relation is not direct and no other constraint in the chain are set with value
- Returns:
the created object
- get_constraints_for(model: type[DeclarativeBase]) list[Constraint] ¶
build the constraints concerning the given model (== exclude those bounding to the model)
- Parameters:
model – the model to build constraint for
- Returns:
a list of constraint based on those present on this repository without those linked to the model
- get_repository_for(model: type[DeclarativeBase]) AsyncConstrainedRepository ¶
get an AsyncObjectBoundRepository for the given model (used internally to check for bound model relation on create)
- Parameters:
model – the model to generate a repository for
- Returns:
an AsyncObjectBoundRepository bounded to the same bound_object as this repository
- async handle_constraint_not_safe(constraint: Constraint, constraints_to_test: list[Constraint], safe_constraints: list[Constraint], **properties)¶
exception handler for ConstraintNotSafe. check that all the “constraints to test” validate the given “constraint”.
- Parameters:
constraint – the constraint to validate
constraints_to_test – the list of constraints to validate to ensure this constraint is safe
safe_constraints – a list of constraints that are considered as safe and won’t be rechecked
properties – the properties of the object to create
- Returns:
the created object
- async handle_direct_constraint_not_safe(model: type[DeclarativeBase], foreign_key_value: Any, constraint: Constraint, safe_constraints: list[Constraint], **properties)¶
exception handler for BoundObjectLinkNotSafe. check that the link to bound_model is respected using model instance identified bu foreign_key value
- Parameters:
model – the model to validate that its instance respect the bound object links
foreign_key_value – the id of the model instance to validate
constraint – the constraint triggering this exception (to add to safe_constraint if safe)
safe_constraints – a list of constraints that are considered as safe and won’t be rechecked
properties – the properties of the object to create
- Returns:
the created object
- statement_generator: ConstrainedStatementGenerator¶
sqlgen.repository.impl.async_object_bound module¶
- class sqlgen.repository.impl.async_object_bound.AsyncObjectBoundRepository(session: AsyncSession, bound_object_id: PK)¶
- async create(safe: bool = False, **properties) T ¶
override of AsyncRepository create, that will create an instance of the repository model. It will also set the foreign_key value automatically if bound_model is directly accessible, otherwise it will check for the foreign_model link to the bound_model before creating object. E.G we have three model: Project -> Host -> Webserver - if host_id is not set, an exc is raised (not if safe is set to true, but SQLAlchemy will surely if foreign_key is not nullable) - if host_id is set, a check is done for Host.project_id == self.bound_model_id (Project_id set at repo init)
- Parameters:
properties – the properties of the created model (don’t include foreign_key if directly bound, otherwise needed)
safe – a special parameter for forcing the generation even if the bound_model relation is not respected
- Raises:
BoundObjectLinkNotSafe – if the foreign_key value is not bound to the bound_model (e.g host is bound to another project)
ForeignKeyNotSpecified – if no foreign_key parameters is present to create the model and bound_model relation is not direct (and safe=True is not set)
- Returns:
the created object
- get_repository_for(model: DeclarativeBase) AsyncObjectBoundRepository ¶
get an AsyncObjectBoundRepository for the given model (used internally to check for bound model relation on create)
- Parameters:
model – the model to generate a repository for
- Returns:
an AsyncObjectBoundRepository bounded to the same bound_object as this repository
sqlgen.repository.impl.asynchronous module¶
- class sqlgen.repository.impl.asynchronous.AsyncRepository(session: AsyncSession, *args, **kwargs)¶
- async create(**properties) T ¶
generic function to create a db object
- Parameters:
properties – the properties of the model
- Returns:
the created object
- async get_all() Sequence ¶
generic function to get all object of given model
- Returns:
the list of instances of given model
- async get_all_by(*args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, **kwargs) Sequence ¶
generic function to get all object of given model
- Parameters:
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
- Returns:
the list of instances of given model
- async get_by(*args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, load_all: bool = False, property_name: str = None, **kwargs) T | None ¶
execute a sql select for the given parameters and return the object if found.
- Parameters:
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
load_all – load all relationship on the model when doing the query
property_name – get a property instead of the object
- Returns:
a SQL Select statement with specified options, filter, …
- async get_by_id(object_id, *args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, load_all: bool = False, property_name: str = None, **kwargs) T | None ¶
get an object by its ID and return the object if found. (additional filters can be added like get_by)
- Parameters:
object_id – the id of the object to get
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
load_all – load all relationship on the model when doing the query
property_name – get a property instead of the object
- Returns:
a SQL Select statement with specified options, filter, …
- async restore()¶
restore python object state to the latest save on the DB (rollback internally)
- async save()¶
Save the state of updated objects in DB (do a commit under the hood)
- async synchronize()¶
synchronize the state of the DB and the python ones
- async take_by(*args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, load_all: bool = False, property_name: str = None, **kwargs) T ¶
execute a sql select for the given parameters and return the object otherwise raise NoResultFound.
- Parameters:
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
load_all – load all relationship on the model when doing the query
property_name – get a property instead of the object
- Raises:
NoResultFound – if the query return no result
- Returns:
a SQL Select statement with specified options, filter, …
- async take_by_id(object_id, *args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, load_all: bool = False, property_name: str = None, **kwargs) T ¶
get an object by its ID and return the object if found otherwise raise NoResultFound. (additional filters can be added like take_by)
- Parameters:
object_id – the id of the object to get
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
load_all – load all relationship on the model when doing the query
property_name – get a property instead of the object
- Returns:
a SQL Select statement with specified options, filter, …
- async update(obj: DeclarativeBase | Any, save: bool = False, **properties)¶
update a DB object and synchronize the change with the DC
- Parameters:
obj – the object to update, or it’s ID
save – should we commit the changes? (default to false, flush but no commit)
properties – the properties to update on the object
sqlgen.repository.impl.synchronous module¶
- class sqlgen.repository.impl.synchronous.SynchronousRepository(session: Session, *args, **kwargs)¶
- create(**properties) T ¶
generic function to create a db object
- Parameters:
properties – the properties of the model
- Returns:
the created object
- get_all() Sequence ¶
generic function to get all object of given model
- Returns:
the list of instances of given model
- get_all_by(*args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, **kwargs) Sequence ¶
generic function to get all object of given model
- Parameters:
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
- Returns:
the list of instances of given model
- get_by(*args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, load_all: bool = False, property_name: str = None, **kwargs) T | None ¶
execute a sql select for the given parameters and return the object if found.
- Parameters:
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
load_all – load all relationship on the model when doing the query
property_name – get a property instead of the object
- Returns:
a SQL Select statement with specified options, filter, …
- get_by_id(object_id, *args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, load_all: bool = False, property_name: str = None, **kwargs) T | None ¶
get an object by its ID and return the object if found. (additional filters can be added like get_by)
- Parameters:
object_id – the id of the object to get
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
load_all – load all relationship on the model when doing the query
property_name – get a property instead of the object
- Returns:
a SQL Select statement with specified options, filter, …
- restore()¶
restore python object state to the latest save on the DB (rollback internally)
- save()¶
Save the state of updated objects in DB (do a commit under the hood)
- synchronize()¶
synchronize the state of the DB and the python ones
- take_by(*args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, load_all: bool = False, property_name: str = None, **kwargs) T ¶
execute a sql select for the given parameters and return the object otherwise raise NoResultFound.
- Parameters:
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
load_all – load all relationship on the model when doing the query
property_name – get a property instead of the object
- Raises:
NoResultFound – if the query return no result
- Returns:
a SQL Select statement with specified options, filter, …
- take_by_id(object_id, *args, options: list[ExecutableOption] = None, load_all: bool = False, property_name: str = None, **kwargs) T ¶
get an object by its ID and return the object if found otherwise raise NoResultFound. (additional filters can be added like take_by)
- Parameters:
object_id – the id of the object to get
args – filter arguments for sqlalchemy filter function
options – optional options for the query (mostly ofr joinedloads)
kwargs – arguments to filter the model to return
load_all – load all relationship on the model when doing the query
property_name – get a property instead of the object
- Returns:
a SQL Select statement with specified options, filter, …
- update(obj: DeclarativeBase | Any, save: bool = False, **properties)¶
update a DB object and synchronize the change with the DC
- Parameters:
obj – the object to update, or it’s ID
save – should we commit the changes? (default to false, flush but no commit)
properties – the properties to update on the object
sqlgen.repository.impl.synchronous_constrained module¶
- class sqlgen.repository.impl.synchronous_constrained.SynchronousConstrainedRepository(session: Session, **bound_object_ids)¶
- bound_model: type[DeclarativeBase]¶
- bound_models: list[type[DeclarativeBase]]¶
- create(*, safe_constraints: list[Constraint] = None, **properties) T ¶
override of SynchronousRepository create, that will create an instance of the repository model. It will also set the foreign_key value automatically if bound_model is directly accessible, otherwise it will check for the foreign_model link to the bound_model before creating object. E.G we have three model: Project -> Host -> Webserver - if host_id is not set, an exc is raised (not if safe is set to true, but SQLAlchemy will surely if foreign_key is not nullable) - if host_id is set, a check is done for Host.project_id == self.bound_model_id (Project_id set at repo init)
- Parameters:
properties – the properties of the created model (don’t include foreign_key if directly bound, otherwise needed)
safe_constraints – a list of constraint that are considered safe
- Raises:
BoundObjectLinkNotSafe – if the foreign_key value is not bound to the bound_model (e.g host is bound to another project)
ConstraintNotSafe – if a non-direct constraint is not safe. e.g. Request with Bound on Webserver and Project but webserver_bound is not related to the Project_bound ( Webserver.host.project == 2 but bound_project == 1 )
ForeignKeyNotSpecified – if no foreign_key parameters are present to create the model, bound_model relation is not direct and no other constraint in the chain are set with value
- Returns:
the created object
- get_constraints_for(model: type[DeclarativeBase]) list[Constraint] ¶
build the constraints concerning the given model (== exclude those bounding to the model)
- Parameters:
model – the model to build constraint for
- Returns:
a list of constraint based on those present on this repository without those linked to the model
- get_repository_for(model: type[DeclarativeBase]) SynchronousConstrainedRepository ¶
get an SynchronousObjectBoundRepository for the given model (used internally to check for bound model relation on create)
- Parameters:
model – the model to generate a repository for
- Returns:
an SynchronousObjectBoundRepository bounded to the same bound_object as this repository
- handle_constraint_not_safe(constraint: Constraint, constraints_to_test: list[Constraint], safe_constraints: list[Constraint], **properties)¶
exception handler for ConstraintNotSafe. check that all the “constraints to test” validate the given “constraint”.
- Parameters:
constraint – the constraint to validate
constraints_to_test – the list of constraints to validate to ensure this constraint is safe
safe_constraints – a list of constraints that are considered as safe and won’t be rechecked
properties – the properties of the object to create
- Returns:
the created object
- handle_direct_constraint_not_safe(model: type[DeclarativeBase], foreign_key_value: Any, constraint: Constraint, safe_constraints: list[Constraint], **properties)¶
exception handler for BoundObjectLinkNotSafe. check that the link to bound_model is respected using model instance identified bu foreign_key value
- Parameters:
model – the model to validate that its instance respect the bound object links
foreign_key_value – the id of the model instance to validate
constraint – the constraint triggering this exception (to add to safe_constraint if safe)
safe_constraints – a list of constraints that are considered as safe and won’t be rechecked
properties – the properties of the object to create
- Returns:
the created object
- statement_generator: ConstrainedStatementGenerator¶